Android Studio Tutorial Pdf Indonesia. 44 AndroidStudio Keyboard Shortcuts 30 45 Switcher and Recent Files Navigation 30 46 Changing the AndroidStudio Theme 31 47 Summary 31 5 Creating an Android Virtual Device (AVD) in AndroidStudio 33 51 About Android Virt File Size 2MBPage Count 65.
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Android Studio
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Android i About the TutorialAndroid is an opensource Linuxbased operating system for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers Android was developed by the Open Handset Alliance led by Google and other companies This tutorial will teach you the basic Android programming and will also take you through.
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Android Studio is the official IDE by Google for Android app development based on IntelliJ IDEA [1] It utilizes a Gradlebased build system through the Android Plugin for Gradle.
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Project PdfViewer Seperti biasa hal pertama yang harus kita lakukan tentu membuat project baru di androidstudio Pada tutorial ini saya memberikan nama projeknya “PdfViewer” Pastikan anda memilih API 21 sebagai minimum SDK karena kode pada tutorial ini hanya akan berjalan normal jika menggunakan API 21 atau diatasnya.