Setia Luhur. The current position of SETIA LUHUR is in Singapore Strait with coordinates 132225° / 10410695° as reported on 20210304 0628 by AIS to our vessel tracker app The vessel's current speed is 75 Knots The vessel SETIA LUHUR (IMO 9587283 MMSI 533058400) is a Tug It's sailing under the flag of [MY] Malaysia.
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The current position of SETIA LUHUR is at coordinates 423897 N / 103481 E reported 23 minutes ago by AIS The vessel is en route to the port of Kemaman sailing at a speed of 01 knots and expected to arrive there on Sep 19 12 AM The vessel SETIA LUHUR (IMO 9587283 MMSI 533058400) is a Offshore Tug/Supply Ship built in 2010 (11 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Malaysia.
Vessel details: SETIA LUHUR (Offshore Tug/Supply Ship) IMO
The current position of SETIA LUHUR is at South East Asia (coordinates 425028 N / 10348245 E) reported 1 min ago by AIS The vessel is sailing at a speed of 01 knots The vessel SETIA LUHUR (IMO 9587283 MMSI 533058400) is a Offshore Tug/Supply Ship built in 2010 (11 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Malaysia Course / Speed 2877° / 01 knNavigation Status At anchorCurrent draught 46 mPosition received 1 min ago i.
SETIA LUHUR – Offshore Tug/Supply Ship, IMO 9587283, Flag
SETIA LUHUR Current Position Where is the current position of SETIA LUHUR presently? Vessel SETIA LUHUR is a tug ship sailing under the flag of Malaysia Her IMO number is 9587283 and MMSI number is 533058400 Main ship particulars are length of 59 m and beam of 14 m Maps below show the following voyage data Present Location NExt port.
SETIA LUHUR Oil service Supply vessel
Registered owner ALAMJV DP1 L INC 5510286 Care of Alam Maritim (M) Sdn Bhd FMD Office OSVBO Base Operation/Technical Office K7872 Alam Property Building 24000 Cukai Terengganu Malaysia.
SETIA LUHUR, Offshore Tug/Supply Ship Details and current
SETIA LUHUR Current Position ( DUAL TRACKING ) Marine
SETIA LUHUR Tug (IMO: 9587283, MMSI: 533058400
SETIA LUHUR built in 2010 is a vessel in the Oil service/Supply vessel segment Its IMO number is 9587283 and the current MMSI number is 533058400 The vessel has callsign 9MLO2 Summer deadweight is 1463 DWT SETIA LUHUR is sailing under the flag of Malaysia We last observed the vessel in the South China Sea.